Drive Time

The 25 Most Hackable Passwords

The 25 Most Hackable Passwords

SplashData, the professional password managers, has released a list of the 25 most used and therefore most hackable passwords. We're all guilty of choosing something simple or easy to remember when we first sign up for that email or social media account, but the pros strongly advise opting for a strong password rather than one that's easily recalled.

While some of these are lengthy, it's the proximity of each key stroke that makes them easy to guess. Have a read down through them and see if yours makes the list. If it does, we recommend you change it fairly lively!

  1. 123456
  2. password
  3. 12345678
  4. qwerty
  5. 12345
  6. 123456789
  7. football
  8. 1234
  9. 1234567
  10. baseball
  11. welcome
  12. 1234567890
  13. abc123
  14. 111111
  15. 1qaz2wsx
  16. dragon
  17. master
  18. monkey
  19. letmein
  20. login
  21. princess
  22. qwertyuiop
  23. solo
  24. passw0rd
  25. starwars