Déise Today

Cashel Hayden shares ways to make exercise a pleasure

Cashel Hayden shares ways to make exercise a pleasure
WLR News
WLR News

Cashel Hayden of the Kingfisher Club spoke to Damien about The Guardian's article on five ways to make exercise a pleasure.

The tips were - Let music be your pacemaker, Ignore the Fitspo posts, Reframe the pain, Engage imagination, and Use temptation bundling.

Cashel broke these down in order to help people understand them more.

Let music be your pacemaker

If you like to listen to music while working out, ensuring you have headphones in the gym is very important.


Music helps you to focus on what you are doing and on executing the exercises.

It also increases your heart rate which improves performance.

Ignore the fitspo posts

Seeing people who may be bigger or more toned than you can lead to feelings of inadequacy.

Cashel advises people to only compare themselves to themselves. Compare you today to you yesterday and if you are even 1% better, then you are making progress.

Reframe the pain


Discomfort is a sign of progression, but you need to know the difference between this and the pain caused by injury.

You cannot develop in your comfort zone.

Cashel shares a great quote to inspire people to get out of their comfort zones: "A ship is safe in a harbor but that's not what a ship is built for."

Engage your imagination

Finding an exercise that engages and interests you is important in order for you to keep at it.

You need to exercise in a way that relates to your interests in life.

Soccer is a great form of cardio so playing with your friends is a perfect way to enjoy some exercise.

Cashel suggests trying new methods of exercise until you find something you like.

Use temptation bundling

Getting to the gym is the hardest part of working out.

You need to constantly remind yourself why you are doing it and who you are doing it for. This will help your motivation to last long-term.

Cashel and Damien also touched on diets and their pros and cons.

To listen to the full conversation and hear the tips in greater detail, click the link in this podcast.

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