On this weeks On The Fringe Aug 27th, Vivaldi's 4 Seasons with Patrick Rafter, one of Ireland's foremost classical musicians, featuring members of the Contempo Quartet and RTE Concert Orchestra comes to Waterford at Christ Church Cathedral Waterford, Friday 6th September as part of Waterford's Harvest Festival and Mary Lincoln, a renowned potter, who has been working with clay for 40 years, is the interviewee in program 9 of One of Our Own. She talks about starting out as an artist and her life in Ardmore where she has lived all her married life. She also talks about the beginnings of her studio and craft shop and how she continues to draw inspiration from the natural environment around her.
On The Fringe
On The Fringe Aug 27th - Patrick Rafter and One Of Our Own Guest, Mary Lincoln
John Keane