The Saturday Café

Listen Back: Dr. Fidelma Healy Eames on The Gifted Learner

Listen Back:  Dr. Fidelma Healy Eames on The Gifted Learner
Maria McCann
Maria McCann

Listen Back:  Dr. Fidelma Healy Eames on The Gifted Learner

Recently Maria spoke with Fidelma on WLR.

You might think all you have to do for a Gifted Learner is make sure they have access to more advanced material,  and that's it, they can be left to their own devices.  You'd be wrong!

Dr. Fidelma Healy Eames's new book looks at the difficulties facing not only Gifted Learners but also their families.

In this interview, she tells Maria how teachers,  pupils, and families of Gifted Learners feel.  How they often put incredible pressure on themselves, as they expect nothing less than perfection,   and what's needed to help them.
