The Saturday Café

Richard Geoghegan on the Unwritten Rules of Irish Life

Richard Geoghegan on the Unwritten Rules of Irish Life
WLR News
WLR News
Richard Geoghegan made a big impression when he first came into the Saturday Cafe,  so Maria felt it was time for a return visit to see what he's been up to. Richard spent the summer entertaining us with the search for the perfect 99 and tales of Covid Arms on Twitter. He was the perfect person to talk to about those Unwritten Rules of Irish Life. For example, the mandatory first refusal of a cup of tea you know you're dying for and will eventually accept, or those people who leave their cars parked anywhere,  apparently secure in the knowledge their hazard lights grants them their very own personal car parking space!
Maria & Richard also spoke about Life Long friendships and how you end up meeting your best friends in the simplest of ways.
Have a listen here and enjoy the show.