
LISTEN: Looking for love at 50!

LISTEN: Looking for love at 50!

Dating is not what it used to be!

Gone are the days of meeting someone by accident and going on a mutual journey of discovery with each other. Now, by the time you've matched and started messaging on Tinder, you've already done a deep-dive on social media, found out all about them and decided whether you want to see them again!

This may be seen as "the norm" for most users on dating apps (recent stats show that most people on Tinder were aged 18-44) but what if you're older and trying to get back in the dating game?

That's what one Kilkenny blogger wants to find out. Sean - the founder of 50firstdatesat50.com - is looking for his last first date, and he told Vinny and Aoibhin all about his matches so far - in Waterford and beyond - on this morning's Big Breakfast Blaa. Take a listen below.



Vinny and Aoibhin are back on the Big Breakfast Blaa tomorrow from 6am on WLR.
