
Over €14m for Waterford in Government Capital Plan for Health

Over €14m for Waterford in Government Capital Plan for Health

€14.48m for Waterford has been included in the 2021 Capital Plan for Health which is expected to be published this week.

Some of the money has already been allocated to the recently-opened mortuary at UHW, with €3.99m for the mortuary included in the overall amount.

The largest allocation of funding is for the second Cath Lab at University Hospital Waterford, where construction started on the 17th of May.

There will be an allocation of €2m for an MRI replacement and associated works and €1.4m has been allocated to facilitate the development of a theatre for cataract surgery.


€780,000 has also been included for the new purpose-built 11-bed mental health residential unit in Dungarvan.

While €260,000 has been allocated to move along the design process of the Sacred Heart Centre and the 50-bed adult Mental Health Unit on the grounds of UHW.
