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Listen: Men's Health Matters with Jordan Norris

Listen: Men's Health Matters with Jordan Norris
Jordan Norris
Jordan Norris
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Across the course of May as part of Mental Health Month – WLR News wanted to shine a light on the struggles that everyday people go through, yet are so afraid to talk about.

This project on WLR finished with the broadcast of a special feature by Jordan, where he spoke to four men about their own personal experiences.

Jordan spoke to Eamonn, whose brother committed suicide in 2015.

Jordan spoke to Jack, who spent much of his teenage years battling with depression.


Jordan spoke to Adam, whose gambling habit ruined his life and his relationship with others.

Jordan spoke to Wayne, who was diagnosed with agoraphobia and couldn’t leave his own house for over a year.

To finish, Jordan spoke with the mirror – and talked to himself, delving into his own struggles before delivering a message to men, encouraging them to seek help and normalise conversations.

To listen, press the play button on the photo above.

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