
Rural tourism event to take place in Dungarvan

Rural tourism event to take place in Dungarvan
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An event aimed at promoting rural tourism in Waterford will be taking place in Dungarvan.

Organised by the Dunhill Multi Education centre, the event will showcase businesses and what is on offer.

Aimed at promoting tourism in the county, businesses are invited to the event to share ideas.

Taking place next Tuesday in the Park Hotel in Dungarvan, the occasion will bring together 5 Waterford rural networks including the Blackwater Valley, Waterford Estuary, An Gaeltacht & the Copper Coast.


Speaking to WLR News, Alison Coleman from Dunhill Multi Education centre says rural tourism in Waterford remains a priority.

She added:" This is a rural tourism network event. For the last year, we have been collaborating with rural businesses in Waterford and we have met with them to understand their needs and what they need. This event will bring together the 5 networks and all rural businesses are asked to come along."

The Dunhill Multi Education centre combines businesses in rural Waterford by allowing them to share their ideas. The mission of the centre is to provide a hub of learning excellence, to create opportunities for people to succeed, and facilitate access to education for all groups.

Alison continued to say: "We found the networks when they come together that the organically offer support to each other and it takes some of the hard work out of running the business on your own. The event will be informal and we really encourage people to drop in.".


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