
Waterford Farmers Turn Countryside Pink for Breast Cancer Ireland.

Waterford Farmers Turn Countryside Pink for Breast Cancer Ireland.

Farmers in Waterford are turning the countryside pink for Breast Cancer Ireland as the pink bale initiative gets underway as part of the 2020 silage season.

The initiative sees farmers wrapping their bales in pink plastic and for every roll of the limited edition pink silage wrap purchased Glanbia will make a donation to Breast Cancer Ireland.

Farmers are also being urged to embrace the ‘BaleWatch’ drive by placing some of their pink-wrapped silage bales in visible locations on the farm to help raise awareness of breast cancer with those who pass by.

Grace O'Dwyer is Glanbia Ireland's Retail Marketing Manager. She told WLR's Kieran O Connor that so far they have raised 40,000 euros.


"That represents 15,000 pink bales since 2016. Its very much about the awareness that we are bringing. When you think about those pink bales lighting up the countryside it does create a talkability and a conversation around breast cancer which I think is really important."

They are also asking social media users to get involved also by sharing their photos and videos of the bales, using the hashtag #PinkBales.
