
Gardaí reject claims school children are being assisted past migrant camps

Gardaí reject claims school children are being assisted past migrant camps

Recent videos that have circulated on social media, show school children in Dublin being assisted by Gardaí.

Claims were made by a social media page that the children were being assisted by Gardaí due to the adjacent migrant camps on the Grand Canal in Dublin.

WLR reached out to Gardaí for comment on the claims, with a spokesperson saying they are not true.

"An Garda Síochána can categorically reject any assertion as suggested in relation to the claims made.


"An Garda Síochána is acutely aware of the continued proliferation of misinformation, disinformation, and fake news in circulation, particularly in relation to International Protection Applicants.  It is not just the responsibility of An Garda Síochána to challenge such misinformation, disinformation, and fake news, but mainstream civic society and media.

"The Community Policing Unit in Pearse Street engages regularly with local schools and have in the past and will continue in the future to assist with school activities, in this case walking almost 100 young pupils on a school trip across the city as there were a lot of major junctions and crossings on the route. Gardaí assisted by making sure the young children did not get separated due to their large numbers and the rapid changing of some of the crossings.

"This is a very common occurrence for this Community Policing Office which has assisted a number of the schools in the area in a similar way and will continue to do so."

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