
Status Yellow weather warning issued for Waterford

Status Yellow weather warning issued for Waterford

A cold spell is set to bring minus temperatures and motorists are being warned of hazardous driving conditions.

Met Eireann says it will be persistently very cold at night time and daytime temperatures will bring sharp to severe frosts and icy stretches on roads and footpaths.

Some showers of hail and sleet are expected too, falling as snow on higher ground.

Met Eireann has issued the below warning for Waterford and the entire country:

Status Yellow - Low Temperature/Ice warning for Ireland


Met Éireann Weather Warning

Very cold day and night time temperatures with frost and ice persisting in many areas.

Possible Impacts:
• Slippery conditions underfoot
• Hazardous travelling conditions
• Animal welfare issues

Valid: 17:00 Friday 01/12/2023 to 12:00 Sunday 03/12/2023


Issued: 12:38 Thursday 30/11/2023

Updated: 11:12 Friday 01/12/2023

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