
Údarás na Gaeltachta pursues plans for affordable housing in An Rinn

Údarás na Gaeltachta pursues plans for affordable housing in An Rinn
Údarás na Gaeltachta has decided to pursue new plans to become active in the provision of affordable housing in three Gaeltacht areas – including An Rinn in Waterford.
The other locations are in Connemara and Donegal.

The site identified in Waterford is a 3.6 acre parcel owned by the Údarás in Rinn Ua gCuanach.

The decision was taken to proceed with the plan at the December meeting of the Board in Na Forbacha in Galway on Friday.

Board member, and Mayor of Waterford City & County, Councillor Joe Conway, welcomed the development.

"If the project comes to fruition, the houses will be available to families whose presence will not have a negative impact on the currency of the Irish language," he told WLR News.


“Since my appointment to the Bord last March, I have been pursuing this item.  I issued invitations for joint discussions in City Hall with the CE of the Údarás, Tomás Ó Síocháin, the local Coiste Forbacha, and Councillors from the area.  These proved very positive and the subsequent Board decision starts what I hope will be a considerable addition to the vibrancy and viability of the Waterford Gaeltacht.  I would like to thank my fellow Board members for their ongoing commitment to Gaeltacht na nDéise.”

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