
428 assaults reported in Waterford between January and September

428 assaults reported in Waterford between January and September

428 incidents of assault have been reported in the Waterford Division in the first nine months of this year.

Figures outlined by quarterly reports at the recent Local Community Safety Partnership meeting show a 9% fall in the rate when compared with this time last year.

296 incidents of minor assault were recorded, while there were 132 assaults causing harm, and 41 threats of murder.

522 Crimes Against The Person have been reported - a fall of 11.5% when compared with 2022.


32 incidents of rape occurred between January and September of this year - a 23% increase in the last twelve months.

There were also 35 incidents of non-aggravated sexual assault, compared to 60 a year prior.

Property crimes are also on the rise - 1,564 property crimes have occurred in Waterford in the last nine months, a 13% increase.

The vast majority of thefts took place from retail premises, with 880 reported so far this year.


There have been 554 acts of criminal damage - an increase of 13%. 30 of these were acts of arson.

Public order incidents have fallen by 14% - with 713 recorded between January and September.

724 charges have been recorded for the possession of drugs - 719 were recorded for these nine months in 2022.
