The Dungarvan Workhouse, which housed over 4000 people during the Famine.
In 1848 at the height of the famine, over 4,000 people were housed in Workhouses in Dungarvan. And thousands more were dependent on outdoor soup kitchens. A book documenting this awful time was published by four historians at Waterford County Museum in the mid-nineties. Fast forward to 2020 and one of those authors, Willie Whelan, has brought Desperate Haven back to life by having it re-published through Amazon. You can listen here to our chat...
Arts organiser Anna Jordan is always busy bringing people together, and she's doing so in an online capacity these days. She chatted to me about Modhearts Poetry Posts on facebook, as well as live sessions through the Jordans American Bar facebook page. Have a listen to our chat...
Garter Lane Arts Centre remains closed to the public but plenty goes on behind the scenes and online, in terms of those who have engaged with it over the past year. Sean Crowe is a Leaving Cert student and a Garter Lane Young Critic. He spoke to me On the Fringe about how he became involved in the programme and about what it's like to be studying for state exams while out of school...