
Relatives of Stardust victims to gather as pre-inquest hearing gets underway

Relatives of Stardust victims to gather as pre-inquest hearing gets underway

The Stardust Victims Committee and relatives are gathering outside Dublin City Coroners Court today as a pre-inquest hearing into the tragedy begins.

The fresh inquest into the deaths of 48 people in a nightclub fire in Artane on Valentine's night 1981 is due to take place next year in Dublin Castle.

The families say they have spent decades waiting for the truth and today is the first step towards that.

The committee has asked supporters who want to join them, to wear face-coverings and respect social distancing.


Campaigner Antoinette Keegan says they are being supported by experts from other tragedies.

"I'm quite satisfied that the team we have onboard is an absolutely fantastic team.

"Our solicitor Darren Mackin, he's a human rights solicitor. We have a great team of experts from Hillsborough, Grenfell Towers and 9/11.

"We firmly believe that this time around we can't go wrong because everyone that we have onboard is all out of state."


Yesterday's budget saw the Government allocated €8 million to the Department of Justice for the Dublin Coroner to carry out the inquest.
