The Hot Desk

ICYM "The Hot Desk," it featured business in West Waterford, preparing for Brexit, and thebookresort.ie

ICYM "The Hot Desk," it featured business in West Waterford, preparing for Brexit, and thebookresort.ie

There's plenty to be positive about in Dungarvan, according to Chamber CEO Jenny Beresford

I was lucky enough to spend a working day in the beautiful Dungarvan earlier this week, where I caught up with CEO of Dungarvan and West Waterford Chamber, Jenny Beresford. There was a feeling of positivity in the air, as Zevas Communications had just announced it was setting up in Dungarvan with the arrival of 30 jobs.

Jenny chatted about how business has been in West Waterford, and praised the people of the locality for the resilience they've shown through the pandemic. She discussed ways in which retail and hospitality are adapting, as well as exploring the trend of people relocating to the area, from urban centres like Dublin.

Have a listen to our chat..


Brexit is looming, whether we like it or not. A new survey has shown that 2/3 of businesses don't feel prepared for the outcomes of Britain's withdrawal from the EU. To help people get ready, the Local Enterprise Office in Waterford is running a series of free, short webinars entitled Brexit and Beyond. They'll run at 12pm every Friday between now and November 6th, and cover a range of topics.

To talk about what will be covered, and how people can register for the webinars, Director of Enterprise with the LEO Richie Walsh joined me for a chat..

There's been a huge emphasis on shopping locally, in order to help businesses through the pandemic and in general to boost local economies. It's important to remember that you can support local while shopping online - an example of this is the venture of Aisling Finn - the Book Resort - an Waterford-based subscription service that only uses Irish products as its gifts.

Aisling is celebrating a year in business today. She spoke to me on The Hot Desk about how setting up The Book Resort, how it works, and how it benefits other Waterford businesses..
