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Joker release - We talk the Top 5 best Batman movies

Joker release - We talk the Top 5 best Batman movies

Today sees the release of the eagerly awaited "Joker" movie starring Joaquin Phoenix.

The film tells the story of failed stand up comic Arthur Fleck,  a troubled antihero who takes on the persona of The Joker and goes on a killing spree. Batman only appears in the movie very briefly as a young Bruce Wayne. However the release got us thinking about previous Batman movies, the best and the worst.

Through no scientific means whatsoever we have come up with the top 5 best and the worst Batman movies ever made. See do you agree.

At number 5 is BATMAN RETURNS.  This was the second movie with Director Tim Burton at the helm and actor Michael Keaton in the suit. Keaton is aided by a wonderful supporting cast, Danny De Vito as The Penguin, Michelle Pfeiffer as Catwoman and Christopher Walken as Max Schreck.


In 4th place is a classic. Many of us remember Adam West as Batman in the TV series from the 1960's and 70's. He also made a Batman movie in 1966, inventively called BATMAN: THE MOVIE.

In 3rd place is many people's number one. But again our very non-scientific (and somewhat controversial) survey has it in third. It's the final of director Christopher Nolan's trilogy of Batman movies starring the magnificent Christian Bale as the caped crusader. This one also has the fantastic actor Tom Hardy as the bad guy from hell, Bane.



In second place is one that will possibly annoy the die-hard Batman fans but you can blame Oliver Carroll for this one! With the hilarious Will Arnett doing the voice it's LEGO BATMAN!

And in the number one spot... (drum roll - and we hope this will make up for The Dark Knight Rises only making it to number three) is THE DARK KNIGHT. Christopher Nolan changed the game when he took over as the Batman director and this is widely believed to be the best Batman movie ever made. Christian Bale again as Batman faces off against the Oscar winning Heath Ledger as The Joker. We just hope Joaquin Phoenix is half as good.

And what was voted the worst Batman movie I hear you ask? Although we all loved him in ER (and pretty much anything else he has ever done) Batman was not a good move for George Clooney. He wore the cloak in 1997 for Batman & Robin, with Chris O Donnell (who again?) as his side-kick. The cast also included Alicia Silverstone, Uma Thurman and Arnold Schwarzenegger but it is only worth a look now for a good laugh!
